Monday, March 30, 2009
Shifting gears a bit...
I have started a new project today on flickr that is called Project 365 - where you can take photos of anything... interesting and/or mundane. It's essentially a photo-journal of your year.... So in the spirit of the project, I have decided I will post some of the photos here.
May I add here, photography is a hobby - I in no way claim to be a pro.
Here are my first 4 days offerings:
Saturday, March 21, 2009
F my life
It's brilliant! Why is it brilliant? Because it's the human condition to laugh at other people's misery. Admit it, we all do it.
See some poor sap slam into that bay window cuz they don't realize that its a window? Yeah, you laugh.
Accidentally watch Grandma's false teeth fall out when she's biting into a leg of chicken? Makes ya crack up every time.
We're sick sick bastards.
No not really... we laugh because we've all been there.
We laugh because it's finally someone else experiencing what we have potentially endured. We laugh, because, unless it's happening to us... it's funny. Really funny.
Ever meet those people that don't laugh in these scenarios? They aren't fun. End of story.
I speak in absolutes about these things, as people with little to no sense of humour need to lighten the hell up.
It's not that we are happy of other people's misfortune... we are laughing to ease the tension. We are laughing because we are not perfect, and it's the imperfections in each of us that make us human. It makes life more tolerable.
If you can't have a sense of humour about life... then really.. is it a life worth living??
I honestly don't believe it is.
In a time where the economy is in the toilet, some of us are working at jobs we are MORE than over qualified for, and maybe even unfortunately laid off or in between jobs... with stress at an all time high, we need to laugh.
Can't find anything uplifting or humourous?
Check out the catwalk from the latest fashion lines. That will be SURE to put a smile on your face. Trust me. I'm starting to believe designers are making bets on who can create the most ridiculous outfit that some half-wit will covet, and pay an absorbent amount of money for.
If fashion isn't your thing, watch a funny movie, or youtube any music video from the 1980's. There's nothing like watching David Bowie in Spandex jamming to themes from Labyrinth.
You get the idea... take time to smell the roses, and laugh at the poor shmuck who gets a bee sting on his nose while doing so....
Life is too short, and too precious to lead a serious life...
Besides... no one gets out alive.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Recounting her party days, a young woman reflects on her years in the underground sub-culture that not only she lived and breathed in, but watched some of her friends give their life to. Submerged in a scene where music ruled, DJ’s rose to God-like status, and dancing wasn’t just a hobby, it was as vital as air.
Oh dancing.... I miss it often. Sure, I dance now... I dance as much as I can. I dance in my bedroom while getting ready for work, I go out every so often and get my dance on... but nothing ever will be the same as dancing in those years. I understand you can never go back in time... I understand that things change... I'm grateful for that.... but that feeling of floating and flying from those years... nothing can touch it.
I'm busy lately editing my book... so I'm around... just working on the original writing project.