Monday, February 2, 2009

Meditation, Energy, and getting what you want.

"All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become."
- Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Pretty powerful statement when you think about it.
I mean.. really think about it.

You know that little voice that doubts yourself.... second guessing, third guessing? Yeah, it turns out, it's actually keeping you back from getting what you want.

So much for self-doubt, and the occasional self depreciation.

But is it possible to remain positive 24/7, and if not, what are the real consequences?

Well, if what we think, we become, surely we should stay out of rush hour traffic for one thing, or we'll become a whole bunch of undesirable names, titles and people.

Does this fact stress anyone else out besides me????

I mean, seriously I try to be a positive person most of the time. I really do.
But there are things I find I often doubt, or worry about.... ergo it becomes a vicious cycle of worrying, and then worrying about worrying. Gah!

So what are we supposed to do?

Apparently, meditation on a regular basis is supposed to calm your mind, help the dust settle if you will, and help create a more balanced self.

If you are like me, trying to find an actual hour in my day to just sit and breathe, feels like a daunting task. I have often referred to myself as a kamikaze meditator.

But the more I remind myself about this quote, the more I realize it's as vital as food and sleep.

I know I have mentioned my aversion to Western Culture, and this is exactly part of the reason why.

In the west, we are so connected to the capitalistic framework, we react instead of preact. We treat our mind, body and spirit as 3 separate entities.

In the east, its a known fact that they feel that mind, body and spirit are all interconnected, thus need to be in harmony in order to be an overall healthy individual.

A friend last night made the comment about improper eating habits, and suggested that one would not offer up junk food to a god or goddess, or as an offering at a temple, yet we are constantly cramming our own temples with over-processed, highly fatty, sugary crap food.

She made an excellent point. Duly noted.

I've never been one to make New Year's resolutions, they bother me, and I feel you just set yourself up for failure, and disappointment.

What I am a fan of, is self-improvement, self-reflection, and striving daily to be a healthier, more balanced person.

So my small goals are to MAKE time for that one-hour sit, eat healthier, and really try to live my life remembering that mind, body and spirit are truly one... and to forget about one aspect, really does effect your life overall.


  1. You wouldn't offer Buddha a burger? Pfft.

    It really is a fantastic point, one that I will take with me and remind myself of.

  2. But lets be fair. You are generalizing. You may have been a slave to the framwork of western society, but not everyone has been.

    It's hard to change the system "man" (said with dopey eyes).

  3. I am indeed generalizing. I suppose it stemmed from going to school for arts/fashion/ and an industry that i went into wide eyed - thinking creativity was key, only to be all to aware, that like most things.. its a business.

    I suppose the fact of giving up creativity for the sake of making money to pay rent, etc.. gave way to feelings of resentment.

    Big feelings of resentment.

    at the risk of sounding melodramatic... i felt like i was selling my soul in order to make rent. I hated that.
